Pome Fruit Party Song | Learning Fruits Name | Kids Song | Happy Kid Song | Learning Videos for Kids
Join us in the Pome Fruit Party Adventure. Are you ready to sing along? Let’s get started! ---- ★Lyrics Intro: Hey kids, come gather near, A fruity adventure’s waiting here! With apples, pears, and quince so sweet, Get ready to move to the pome fruit beat! 🎶 Clap your hands, stomp your feet, Let’s make this party super neat! It’s a pome fruit party, let’s have some fun, The fruity magic has just begun! 🎶 Verse 1: 🎶 Apples are red, apples are green, The juiciest fruits you’ve ever seen! Crunchy bites, so sweet and bright, An apple a day feels just right! 🎶 🍎 Pome fruit party, let’s all cheer! So many goodies, the best is here! From apples to pears, and quince so sweet, A fruity adventure we’ll repeat! 🍐 Verse 2: 🎶 Pears are soft, they’re juicy and round, Golden and green, they can be found. Asian pears are crispy delight, With every bite, your smile takes flight! 🎶 🍎 Pome fruit party, let’s all cheer! So many goodies, the best is here! From apples to pears, and quince so sweet, A fruity adventure we’ll repeat! 🍐 Verse 3: 🎶 Quince is yellow, oh, what a treat, Make some jam—it’s fun to eat! Crabapples small, they pack a zing, Perfect for pies, oh, let’s all sing! 🎶 🍎 Pome fruit party, let’s all cheer! So many goodies, the best is here! From apples to pears, and quince so sweet, A fruity adventure we’ll repeat! 🍐 Verse 4: 🎶 Medlar is brown, it’s kind of rare, But tastes like jelly, it’s beyond compare! Loquats are golden, shiny and bright, Take a big bite, they’re such a delight! 🎶 🎶 Nashi pears, oh, so round and fine, Sweet like honey, they’re divine! Let’s all dance, let’s clap our hands, Pome fruit magic across the lands! 🎶 🍎 Pome fruit party, let’s all cheer! So many goodies, the best is here! From apples to pears, and quince so sweet, A fruity adventure we’ll repeat! 🍐 🎶 So grab a pome fruit, have a bite, They’re tasty, healthy, pure delight! Sing this song both near and far, Pome fruits are the superstar! ---- ❤️ FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS - ★ Instagram - / mellymello.english ★ TikTok - / mellymello.english ✅MellyMello is a trusted space where play meets education. ✅Enjoy educational songs for preschool kids created by experts in children's education. #Nurseryrhymes #Kidslearning #cartoon #kidssong #Toddlers #funny #education #kids #learning #fruits #fruitsname #animation #baby #simplesongs #singalong #song #fruitnamesforkids