2024-11-22  5:15 pm  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the Holy Mass

2024-11-22 5:15 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the Holy Mass

Welcome to our time of adoration followed by the Celebration of the Holy Mass on this Friday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time. Today we celebrate the Memorial of St. Cecilia, virgin and martyr. In our reading from Revelation, we hear of how the scroll is bitter to the stomach but sweet to the mouth. The message that the prophets had to preach was often a challenging one and not always accepted by those around them. We do not always hear the message from God that we want to hear . What do we do with it? In our Gospel, Jesus cleanses the temple and declares that his house is to be a house of prayer and not a den of robbers. The chief priests, the scribes and the leaders of the people wanted to destroy him and yet the people hung on to his every word. We are temples of the Lord. When we go astray do we rededicate our lives to the Lord and become sincere in the way we live our lives through prayer and reading of the Word of God? The Responsorial Psalm is Psalm 119: "How sweet to my taste is your promise!"