저탄수화물 다이어트🥪닭가슴살 샌드위치 만들기🥪 닭고기 샌드위치🥪간단레시피
완조리 된 닭가슴살로 간단하게 샌드위치를 만들었어요 다이어트를 떠나서 닭가슴살과 햄, 토마토와 양상추가 들어가서 단백잴과 비타민까지 챙기는 건강한 샌드위치입니다 게다가 맛있어요 ^^ 단백하고 깔끔한 샌드위치입니다 간단하니 한 번 만들어보세요 ~~ ★닭가슴살 샌드위치 통밀식빵 2장 완조리된 닭가슴살 1팩, 슬라이스햄 2장 양상추 두 줌 토마토 1/2개 하프 마요네즈 약간 옐로우 머스타드 약간 ● How to make a diet low-calorie chicken breast sandwich Whole wheat bread chicken sandwich recipe I made a simple sandwich with fully cooked chicken breast Regardless of your diet, this is a healthy sandwich that contains chicken breast, ham, tomatoes, and lettuce, providing you with protein and vitamins Plus, it's delicious ^^ It’s a simple and clean sandwich It's simple, so give it a try ~~ ★Chicken breast sandwich 2 slices of whole wheat bread 1 pack of fully cooked chicken breast, 2 slices of ham two handfuls of lettuce 1/2 tomato A little bit of half mayonnaise A little yellow mustard