Neanderthal kon they | Ghalib Kamal
Neanderthal kon they | Ghalib Kamal نیاندرتھال کون تھے اور ان کا ارتقاء کیسے ہوا The video discusses the fascinating topic of Neanderthals, an extinct species of the Homo genus that lived alongside early modern humans. It delves into their physical characteristics, behavior, technology, extinction, and their genetic legacy in modern humans. The speaker emphasizes the importance of dispelling misconceptions about Neanderthals, often viewed as primitive beings. Instead, they were sophisticated hunters and gatherers with a complex understanding of their environment. By examining fossil evidence and genetic data, the video illustrates how Neanderthals adapted to their cold environments, created tools, and even developed burial customs. The speaker also explores the reasons behind their extinction, including competition with Homo sapiens, climate change, and potential diseases. The genetic legacy of Neanderthals persists in non-African human populations, with modern humans carrying traces of Neanderthal DNA. Overall, the video presents a comprehensive view of Neanderthals as intelligent and capable beings, challenging the outdated notion of them as mere primitive ancestors. Highlights [00:00:00] Start [00:00:00] Introduction to Neanderthals: The video opens with a discussion about Neanderthals, clarifying their classification as an extinct human species and highlighting misconceptions about them being primitive. [00:01:27] Neanderthal Characteristics: The speaker describes Neanderthals’ physical features, including their large brains, stocky builds, and adaptations to cold climates. [00:08:54] Hunting and Gathering: The video details the Neanderthals’ hunting practices, including their group dynamics and culinary habits, indicating a diverse diet that included meat, plants, and seafood. [00:10:13] Extinction Factors: A key segment discusses various theories surrounding the extinction of Neanderthals, such as competition with modern humans, climate changes, and diseases brought by Homo sapiens. [00:11:23] Genetic Legacy: The video explains that non-African modern humans carry 1-4% Neanderthal DNA, reflecting interbreeding between the two species. [00:19:22] Neanderthal Intelligence: The speaker asserts that Neanderthals were not primitive but rather intelligent beings, supporting this claim with evidence from archaeological findings and technology use. [00:42:12] Out of Africa Theory Impact: The discussion touches upon the implications of Neanderthal DNA on the Out of Africa model of human origins, suggesting a more complex narrative of human evolution that includes interactions with Neanderthals in Eurasia. #neanderthal #HomoNeanderthalensis #HomoSapiens #EvolutionOfNeanderthals #NeanderthalsUrdu #Neanderthals #ghalibkamal #GhalibKamal #ghalibkamal #ghalibkamallatest #ghalibkamalnew #atheist #pakistaniatheist #AtheismInPakistan #Atheism Support Options: Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/thegh... BuyMeACoffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/ghalibkamal Patreon: / ghalibkamal Telegram Channel: https://t.me/Ghalib_Kamal Twitter: / theghalibkamal TikTok: / theghalibkamal Ghalib Kamal's The Rational Messiah(English): / pakistanifreethinkerghalibkamal Ghalib Kamal Website: https://ghalibkamal.com/ #Neanderthals #WhoWereTheNeanderthals #NeanderthalEvolution #HumanEvolution #NeanderthalHistory #ExtinctSpecies #HomoNeanderthalensis #AncientHumans #PrehistoricHumans #NeanderthalDNA #NeanderthalFossils #EvolutionOfHumans #Paleoanthropology #Archaeology #NeanderthalExtinction #NeanderthalAnatomy #AncientSpecies #NeanderthalAdaptations #NeanderthalCulture #NeanderthalVsModernHumans #NeanderthalGenetics #IceAgeSurvivors #NeanderthalBrain #NeanderthalLifestyle #PrehistoricLife #StoneAge #HomininEvolution #NeanderthalDiscoveries #NeanderthalVsHomoSapiens #AncientDNA #NeanderthalDiet #NeanderthalInterbreeding #NeanderthalTools #NeanderthalHunting #NeanderthalTechnology #NeanderthalSocialStructure #NeanderthalLanguage #PrehistoricTools #FossilRecords #AncientAncestry #NeanderthalMigration #NeanderthalSurvival #NeanderthalIntelligence #PaleolithicEra #NeanderthalWeapons #NeanderthalClimateAdaptation #NeanderthalGeneticLegacy #NeanderthalHabitat #NeanderthalMysteries #NeanderthalVsHumans #NeanderthalArt #PrehistoricAnatomy #NeanderthalResearch #NeanderthalStudies #NeanderthalBehavior #NeanderthalScience #NeanderthalCultureAndTradition #NeanderthalAncestors #NeanderthalDiscovery1856 #NeanderthalCaves #NeanderthalToolsAndWeapons #NeanderthalGenomes #HominidEvolution #NeanderthalDiversity #NeanderthalSurvivalSkills #NeanderthalWarfare #NeanderthalEnvironment #NeanderthalColdAdaptations #NeanderthalGeneticMixing #NeanderthalAndHomoSapiensHybrid #NeanderthalAndDenisovans #NeanderthalNeckStructure #NeanderthalToModernHuman #NeanderthalDietAnalysis #NeanderthalAndIceAge #NeanderthalHuntingSkills #NeanderthalAndClimateChange =