가드닝. 장마철 화단 관리. 비 피해. 여름꽃. 폭풍우. Gardening. The flower bed during the rainy season Rain damage.
모두 비 피해 없으신지요? 장마철 화단 관리 힘드시죠. 꽃들이랑 같이 비 맞았어요. 빗소리, 음악 소리 들으며 잠시 비오는 정원 걸어요. #장마 #비오는날 #장마철꽃 #폭우 #상사화 #가드닝 Is everyone okay with the rain? It's hard to manage the flower beds during the rainy season. I got rained on with the flowers. Let's walk in the rainy garden listening to the sound of rain and music. 음악 출처 -------------------------------------------------- 00:00~03:33 FirstRainNoLeads by IanPost Artlist 03:34 RainyDays by WeslyThomas Artlist