1 Hour of Silence Interrupted by FFXIV Raid Callouts
If you're clicking on this video you probably know what to expect. Both a meme video, but also as a fun look back at my many years of raiding within in FFXIV. 1 Hour of Silence Interuppted by FFXIV Raid Callouts SPOILERS -Ifrit's on B/C Bravo Charlie (Post Nails Ifrit Positioning: UWU) -Top Row Fire, 2nd Row Ice (Natural Alignment: P8SP2 Hephaistos) -1's Up, Nothing Down, 2's watch short and long (Pangenesis: P12SP2 Pallas Athena) -Marked players to Female, She's on A Alpha, Follow Pattern we are following the AOE (Run: Dynamis (Sigma Version): TOP) -Car car car, Wait for the Dash, In Hitbox, Spread (Car Mode: E4S Titan) -Don't move for ice, Side then Behind (Twin Silence, E8S Shiva) -Out First, Stay Out (Gnash and Lash: DSR) -Roles then Spread (Daemoniac Bonds: P10S Pandaemonium) -Light Orb and Light Panel are Safe (Letter of the Law: P11S Themis) -Three's In (Looper: TOP) -In Alpha to In Delta (Run: Dynamis (Omega Version): TOP) -1, 2, 3, 4 (Pantokrator: TOP) -Watch debuffs, outside wind moves first (Caloric Theory: P12SP2 Pallas Athena) -Fire Short, Yellow on C (Basic Relativity: E12P2 Oracle of Darkness) -Don't be in front, Drachenlance (Drachenlance: DSR) -Out First Pop Sprint, Into Exa, Straight Back, Straight in, Melee 1 (Exaflare's Edge: DSR) -Watch for Stack Spreads and Tethers (Pre Harrowing Hell AOEs/Tethers: P10S Pandaemonium) -Food Check (literally every raid) -Raidwide then Tankbuster (pretty much every raid) -GOD SAYS GO TO A (E8S Shiva: feat. the Voice of God) -If you get hit first you're taking 3rd swap (Mirage Dive: DSR) -Watch your shape and the pattern, Blues aren't moving (The Classical Concepts 2: P12SP2 Pallas Athena) -Does Catgirl Planet Exist? (E8S Shiva: feat the Voice of God) -First Dodge, In Pattern In Pattern (Cosmo Arrow: TOP) -A is North, Start Center, Watch your number, wait for chakrams (Wormhole Formation: TEA) -Go to A or D for Look Away Mirrors (Mirror, Mirror: E8S Shiva) -Spaghetti, Meatball (Old Provoke/Shirk Meme) -Stack then Spread (pretty much every raid) -Megafeet (Hephaistos 2nd Dog Form Change: P8SP1 Hephaistos) -1 is Right on C, Moving Right (Sanctity of the Ward: DSR) -Fire into Hatch into Twister (Adds Phase: UCOB) -West East East (Trinity of Souls: P12SP1 Athena) -Going to 2 moving right, 2 moving right (Unlimited Wave Cannon: TOP) -Alexander is New North (Inception Formation: TEA) -Twister (Twintania's Wild Ride: UCOB) -Line up for Death of the Heavens, Watch Doom and NonDoom (Death of the Heavens: DSR) -Front, go to 1 (Driving Frost: E8S Shiva) -Ranged Out, Melee Refresh (Tile PvP: E9S Cloud of Darkness) -Blue Down, 2nd Blue Stay up (Tectonic Uplift: E4S Titan) -In then Right (Gigaflare's Edge: DSR) -In Sides, Eyes on C Charlie (Party Synergy: TOP) -Stillness, stop stop untarget the boss stop stop (Ordained Stillness: TEA) -Angels 1 and 2 are Lasers, Fast Baits (Palladion/Limit Cut: P12SP1 Athena) -Wind, Alpha Beta, West is Safe, Extra A Extra B, Longs are South, Lightning, West is Safe (High Concept 1: P8SP2 Hephaistos) -Red is Defamation, Pass (Hello World: TOP) -Aero Move Out, Ice Stay In (Intermediate Relativity: E12P2 Oracle of Darkness) -Move Away from Garuda and Titan, Dodge Landslide then 4th Rune (Ultimate Predation: UWU) -Knockback from Mid, Spread, Do not be in water or poison (Pinax: P4S Hesperos Phase 1) -Starting South, West Side, Staying West, Move In and North, Spread (Superchain Theory IIA: P12SP1 Athena) -Watch tethers, Eye on B Bravo (Run: Dynamis (Delta Version): TOP) -Red Long (Evil Earth: E4S Titan) -It is 4 to 1, we are moving from 4 to 1 (Almighty Judgement: TEA) -A TO THE L TO THE EX-ANDER GOBBIES GONNA RISE UP BOOM LIKE THUNDER (RISE UP AND RAISE THE IRON ROOF OFF)