Which Is More Expensive? Canada VS USA! | Episode 110

Which Is More Expensive? Canada VS USA! | Episode 110

People always say that USA has more cost-effective items, but is that the truth? Or do Canadians benefit more from universal health care in Canada? This is going to be a fighting match between two powerhouse countries for the best cost of living and what you think! We'll be discussing this and more on this Thursday's episode! Please take note that this information is only meant to be used for entertainment purposes, and should not be taken seriously. If you want to make drastic financial decisions, please make sure to talk to a professional before doing so. Hosted By Owen Paradis and William Goulet New episode every Tuesday and Thursday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Make sure to follow us on Instagram at @collegeofwealthpodcast