Just, Lasting Peace | Pine UMC Worship: Advent 2 - 12/05/2021

Just, Lasting Peace | Pine UMC Worship: Advent 2 - 12/05/2021

With the guidance of resources from FOSNA (Friends of Sabeel Northern America - www.fosna.org) and the UMC’s GCORR (General Commission on Religion & Race - www.gcorr.org), we will enter into Advent in intentional reflection on what it is to prepare for the birth of the Human One who brings salvation, redemption, and healing to the masses. As followers of the One we’ve come to call Teacher and Liberator, how are you being called to prepare for Emmanuel - “God with Us”? For full video description and to view in HD:    • Awake to the World | Pine UMC Worship...   CONTENT LIST: 0:00​ - Intro 0:10 - Centering Music 1:27 - Hymn "Peace for the Children" 4:45 - Scripture Reading: Luke 3:1-6 (CEB) 6:28 - Message for Our Times 27:30 - Closing Hymn "Hail to the Lord's Anointed" God's peace be with you! Join us LIVE on Zoom, Sundays at 11AM PT / 2PM ET: Register at http://tinyurl.com/pinesundayworship​ or email [email protected]. ---------------- Pine UMC is a historically Japanese American church that is intergenerational and a Reconciling Congregation - We are open and affirming of LGBTQIA+ people! We strive to be a church that practices radical welcome. Our English Sunday worship services are traditional and social justice-oriented. We build our sermons collectively, as community sharing our knowledge, insights, and wisdom. Important Pine Links: To support online: http://offering.pineumc.org​ For other ways to support, email [email protected]. For Prayer Requests & Visitation with Pastor Jeanelle: http://tinyurl.com/pineprayersvisits