Ep80: How and why to broadfork your allotment or garden
Includes product promotion. This week we're starting on the allotment plot and sorting out the compacted and hard clay no-dig beds ready for Spring planting. I have broadbeans desperate to go out and no where to put them! I start by trying out a new tool - a broadfork - to aerate and loosen up the heavy, wet clay soil on the beds. This is a 'minimal disturbance gardening' technique that is (arguably!) compatible with no till. Mark (my brother-in-law and plot neighbour) also has a go using it for traditional digging. I then cover the beds with cardboard (closely monitored by my nephew!), arrange the pallet collar beds, fill with the new compost and - hurrah - get in those broadbeans! Unfortunately the weather then takes a turn for the worst and all that hard work could be undone... Dorie and I head down to the allotment to assess the damage! 😬 Later, we have a go with with the broadfork on the established raised beds in the home veg garden and put in the rest of the broadbeans. It feels great to have crops finally going into the ground. Bring on the harvests! GIFTED | With many thanks to the folks at Terradix for allowing me to test out their TERRADIX® Broadfork 5×300. For more details see: https://terradix.com/en/ @terradix591 Broadfork - https://amzn.to/4gQ7MXM (affiliate link) See Huw Richards on broadforking here - • How To Grow LOADS of Food in Poor Soi... and here - • The Secret Crop in YOUR Garden (& How... Broadbean varieties: Super Aquadulce Aquadulce Claudia Grano Violetto Crimson Flowered Gardening with my dog in the home kitchen vegetable garden and our UK allotment plot. I hope you enjoyed this week's video - please do like and subscribe if you did. Thank you for watching 💕😊 You can also find me on Instagram at / dogontheplot 🐶