SEEKING INNER CALM: gods message now | god message today

SEEKING INNER CALM: gods message now | god message today

SEEKING INNER CALM My Dear Father, some days my mind feels like a house with its doors wide open in the middle of a storm. Thoughts come and go, pushing and stumbling over each other. I feel like a prisoner of my worries, as if every little concern becomes bigger than it really is. But I know, Father, that Your voice has the power to calm any storm, even the ones that rise within me. Today, I don’t ask for immediate answers or instant solutions. I simply ask You to teach me how to quiet my soul, so I can hear Your peace calling me. My Beloved Father, the world outside shouts, but I know You speak in a gentle voice. I spend so much time chasing things I think are important that I often forget to slow down and simply trust. The truth is, Father, that when I try to hold everything in my own hands, the weight becomes unbearable. But when I rest in You, I see that life unfolds in the right way. So help me let go of anxiety, take a deep breath, and trust that even when I can’t see the path, You have already prepared every step I need to take. My Dear Father, there are moments when my soul feels like a rushing river, waters moving aimlessly, crashing against the rocks of uncertainty. But I remember there is a safe place, a refuge where everything finds balance: in You. Your presence is like a gentle stream flowing through the valleys of my soul, refreshing my weary spirit. When I surrender to Your care, I realize that I don’t need to have all the answers or carry all the solutions. I just need to be with You, learn from You, and rest in the assurance that You are enough. Father, help me choose the silence that nourishes instead of the noise that consumes. Teach me to distinguish between what brings me peace and what only wears me down. The world tries to convince me that I must always be doing something, always chasing, always proving myself to others. But You, Father, teach me that true greatness lies in trusting. The secret to peace is not in trying to control everything but in learning to rest in Your love. Today, I choose to slow down. I choose to trust. I choose to place in Your hands every fear that wakes me up in the middle of the night, every doubt that steals my joy, every worry that makes me forget that I am Your child. I know that in You, I find the balance I seek. I know my peace is not in circumstances but in the certainty that You are with me, guiding each of my steps. Thank You, My Father, for being my refuge, my security, and my peace. Teach me every day to find rest in You. 🙏 Amen.