August 22, 2021: Re-evaluating your view of God

August 22, 2021: Re-evaluating your view of God

Sunday, August 22, 2021 Service. Lee Raine gives a message about re-evaluating our beliefs and theology of God. Touching briefly on 4 big areas of theology in which the "Good News" may have been distorted by the church over the centuries: 1. God's Wrath, 2. Interpretation of Scripture (literalism and inerrancy), 3. Hell, and 4. End Times. Take a listen and see whether you feel like shouting "Blasphemy!", "Amen!", or "Hmmm...." :). We love having interesting discussions like this at West Springs Church -- if this sort of thing interests you, visit our website at and click "Connect" to join a discussion group, such as the monthly Book Club. From Lee's message: "We have to put our beliefs and theology of God through the filter of Jesus, and if it comes up lacking, we might have to let it go...".