Abruptio placenta in hindi. Full explanation| Easy notes from DC dutta
Abruptio placenta - Definition, sign&symptoms, Etiology, types, mechanism of bleeding, management. All covered under this. Reference- Dutta's textbook of Obstetrics (latest edition) Join this channel for more such videos. This platform welcomes all the learners and all the future Nursing officers😊 To understand APH, click on the link below    • Antepartum Hemorrhage in hindi.  All ...  join our telegram group..Any doubt related to study will be answered on these telegram groups👇 for freshers👇 https://t.me/Bscnursing1styear_solutions for 2nd to 4th years👇 https://t.me/RNAspirants telegram channel 👇 https://t.me/RN_Aspirants join us on Instagram 👇 https://instagram.com/nursing_yoyo?ut...