Common Punctuation Marks - Video 15
Video 15 – This slide is about Common Punctuation Marks. Sharing here some examples for better understanding. Capital Letters (A,B, C…Z) and The Full Stop (.) = Prof. Kabeer is again awarded at the Republic Day Function by the hands of the Principal. There are many animals in the Maharaj Bagh Zoo. The Comma (,) and The Question Mark (?) = Will Mr. Akshay get gold, silver, platinum and diamond sets from the jeweler? Are there reptiles, amphibians, cannibals and birds in the Maharaj Bagh Zoo? The Exclamation Mark (!) and The Apostrophe (‘) = My cousin’s birthday is next week. Wow! She is hosting a party. What rare animals are displayed in the Zoo! They don’t seem to be well maintained. The Hyphen (-) and The Slash (/) = Bring your own notebook/notepad to write the points. We don’t have a well-stocked stationary here. ½ of the crowd went home after the band’s performance. They co-operated well. The Colon (:) and The Semicolon (;) = The teacher asked to write the examples of combination – shoes : socks; comb : hair; needle : thread. This math’s problem has ratio 5 : 7; 3 : 2; and 1 : 9; to solve and share. Brackets [] / Parentheses () / Braces {} and Quotation Marks (Double and Single Inverted Comma / Ditto) [” “ / ‘ ‘ / “ ] = “He [Mr. Kapil] was the last person seen at the house,” reported the police. We decided to go to Kashmir (my [childhood] dream) this winter to experience snow. Ellipsis / Dash (...) = She began counting from one, two, three…ten to finish the game. He nervously stammered and said, “Look, I … You see … I wasn’t … Forget it, okay.” Check the above shared examples, practice some more examples and you may share it in the comment section. English is merely a language, nothing to fear about. Let’s get started with the language update. The more we hangout with English, more it becomes ease for us. We will start loving English language. EasewithEnglish2022 is started to enhance spoken English, vocabulary, grammar check, quick learning of language, improve pronunciation, build confidence, improve public speaking skills, create more future opportunities, personality development and career development. Please subscribe and like.