@seemakitchen ll Restaurant Style Fried Rice | Quick & Easy Fried Rice
@seemakitchen ll Restaurant Style Fried Rice | Quick & Easy Fried Rice #chickenfriedrice #chickenfriedricerecipe #friedrice #friedricerecipes #restaurant #restaurantstyle #restaurantstylefriedrice Restaurant Style Veg Fried Rice |वेजफ्राइड राइस |Street Style Fried Rice |seemakitchen #friedricerecipe #friedrice #vegetablefriedrice #vegfriedrice #chinesefriedrice #howtomakefriedrice #vegfriedricerecipe #vegfriedricerecipe #vegfriedricerecipe #VegFriedRice #IndianStreetFood #seemakitchenRecipe #FriedRice #StreetFoodRecipe #seemakitchen rice,restaurant style fried rice,chinese recipes,chinese veg fried rice,veg fried rice in hindi,schezwan fried rice recipe, वेज फ्राइड राइस,फ्राइड राइस,वेज फ्राइड राइस रेसिपी,झटपट बनाओ वेज फ्राइड राइस,२ मिनट वाली वेज फ्राइड राइस,3 मिनट वाली वेज फ्राइड राइस,ढाबा स्टाईल वेज फ्राइड राइस,वेज फ्राइड राइस बिना अजिनोमोटो,चाइनीज़ वेज फ्राइड राइस बनाने का तरीका,वेज फ्राइड,चाईनीज फ्राइड राइस,फ्राइड राइस रेसिपी,चायनीज फ्राइड राइस रेसिपी,स्ट्रीट स्टाइल फ्राइड राइस,फ्राइड,राइस रेसिपी,चाईनीज फ्राइड,राइस fried rice, fried rice recipe, veg fried rice, vegetable fried rice, veg fried rice recipe, Chinese fried rice,2 Min Veg Fried Rice Street Style Recipe, Chinese fried rice recipe, restaurant-style veg fried riceHow to cook Veg Fried Rice | वेज फ़्राइड राइस चायनीज़ | Quick Recipe | Chef Kunal Kapur Restaurant Style Veg Fried Rice |वेजफ्राइड राइस |Street Style Fried Rice |Kunal Kapur Recipe Veg Fried Rice Recipe #friedricerecipe Vegetable Fried Rice Recipe is a classic Vegetable Fried Rice recipe is made with a hearty mix of fresh veggies. Learn how to make quick and delicious Veg Fried Rice recipe with detailed step by step pictures. Homemade Veg Fried Rice, Easy Vegetable Fried Rice Recipe – simple, easy and delicious restaurant style recipe. Veg Fried Rice Fried rice is an easy to make Chinese style meal. friedrice #friedrice #vegetablefriedrice #vegfriedrice #chinesefriedrice #howtomakefriedrice #vegfriedricerecipehowtomakefriedrice #vegfriedricerecipe 2 मिनट वाली वेज फ्राइड राइस | Veg Fried Rice Restaurant Style | Fried Rice Recipe | Easy Fried Rice Basamati rice बासमती चावल - 2 cup/400 gram Cabbage पत्ता गोभी - 5 tbsp Carrot गाजर - 1 Chopped Onion बारीक़ कटा प्याज़ - 1 Yellow & Red Capsicum - 2 tbsp Chopped french beans Salt (नमक) - 1 tsphowtomakefriedrice #vegfriedricerecipe 2 मिनट वाली वेज फ्राइड राइस | Veg Fried Rice Restaurant Style | Fried Rice Recipe | Easy Fried Rice Basamati rice बासमती चावल - 2 cup/400 gram Cabbage पत्ता गोभी - 5 tbsp Carrot गाजर - 1 Chopped Onion बारीक़ कटा प्याज़ - 1 Yellow & Red Capsicum - 2 tbsp Chopped french beans Salt (नमक) - 1 tspSalt (नमक) - 1 tsp Oil तेल - 2 to 4 Drop Oil तेल -2 tbsp Chopped Garlic कटी हुई लहसुन - 1 tbsp Grated Ginger अदरक - 1tbsp Chopped Green Chili कटी हुई हरी मिर्च - 3 to 4 बटर Butter - 1 tbsp Soya Sauce - 1 tsp White Vinegar सिरका - 1/2 tsp Chilli paste मिर्च का पेस्ट - 1 tsp Salt (नमक) - 1 tsp Black Pepper Powder - 1 tsp Aromat powder - 1 tsp (optional) Chopped Spring Onion हरी प्याज This is one of our favourite Indo-Chinese recipes. As the flavours of the veggies really come out very well in this Chinese fried rice recipe. This is a perfect go-to dish for every rice lover. You just need a few easily available ingredients and you are good to go! Here’s how you make this lip-smacking recipe at home by following four simple steps. #VegFriedRice #IndianStreetFood #KunalKapurRecipe #FriedRice #StreetFoodRecipe #KunalKapur