Bethel Assembly of God, Sunday Morning Service | October 15, 2023 (Part 2)
Welcome to Bethel Assembly of God's YouTube stream! We are located at Johnson Hill Glendevon, Montego Bay St. James Jamaica. We invite you to join us for our weekly worship services, where we come together to lift up our voices in praise and study God's Word together. ****************************************************** For Prayer call: 876-871-9961- (9AM-4PM, Monday to Friday) ****************************************************** Remember to Like, Share & Subscribe to our channel. ****************************************************** To support our Ministry: https://www.spurropen.com/BethelAG or Bank Transfer CIBC First Caribbean Account type: Chequing Account number: 71502816 Branch number: 09546 Branch name: Fairview Visit our church Website: https://bethelagministry.com