THE KING (Animation vs. Minecraft) - Fan Trailer

THE KING (Animation vs. Minecraft) - Fan Trailer

It all has come to this, the final installment in the Animation vs. Minecraft series. Probably the end of the series as well. The gang and all the new friends, including the Purple one, join forces for one last stand agaisnt the Orange King, fighting for the fate of the Minecraft universe, in this 30 minutes long breathtaking and emotional last episode of season 3. The episode is now available, you can watch it now on Alan Becker's YouTube Channel. "THE KING" episode:    • The King - Animation vs. Minecraft Sh...   Music used: "The King OST" by Scott Buckley ‪@alanbecker‬ ‪@ScottBuckley‬ #Minecraft #AlanBecker