5 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew in My 20s
5 Life-Changing Lessons I’d Give My 20-Year-Old Self At 41, looking back, I wish I could tell my younger self a few hard truths that would have made all the difference. In this video, I’m sharing five brutally honest yet life-changing lessons that reshaped my perspective: ⏳ Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 01:05 - You’re Not Special – And why that’s actually great news 05:12 - We’re All Messed Up – More compassion for yourself and others 09:45 - It Doesn’t Get Better—Just Different – Why you need to take action now 14:20 - Cortisol Is Not Your Friend – How stress destroys your focus 18:40 - Nobody Cares – And how you can use this to your advantage These realizations helped me drop unnecessary pressure, focus on what truly matters, and channel my energy into the right things. Maybe they’ll help you too.