Fr Michael Whelan SM - Homily Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time "Actions speak louder than words"
St Patricks Church Hill Fr Michael Whelans Homilies will be available on our Youtube channel every Friday from 8.0am (AEST) or until further notice. Please click on the subscribe button to follow our channel and click on the 'bell' symbol for notifications of new videos uploaded. For any further information please visit our web sites https://stpatschurchhill.org/ https://aquinas-academy.org.au/ For gospel notes please visit https://aquinas-academy.org.au/homily... Check out our Facebook Page and Like, Follow and Share - / st-patricks-catholic-church-158597234175658 Donation links - St Patricks Church Hill - https://www.bpoint.com.au/pay/CHURCHH... Marist Community - https://www.bpoint.com.au/pay/MARISTF...