Reactors Reaction To What Happens To Henry & Sam On The Last Of Us Episode 5 | Mixed Reactions
Reactors reaction to seeing the sad end to Henry and Sam story, on episode 5 of The Last Of Us Click here to subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/2DuXTB5 Featured reactions Intro - 0:00 1 - 0:51 - Dos Cavazos - / @doscavazos 2 - 2:45 - CinePals - / @cinepals 3 - 3:55 - Blind Wave - / @blindwave 4 - 4:44 - YaBoyRoshi - / @yaboyroshi 5 - 6:05 - Late to the Party - / @latetotheparty 6 - 7:05 - The Normies - / @thenormies 7 - 8:47 - StruggleNation - / @strugglenation 8 - 9:42 - See Jane Go TV - / @seejanegotv 9 - 11:06 - LouiseJulie - / @louisejulie_ 10 - 11:51 - Heroes Reforged - / @heroesreforged 11 - 13:09 - The Media Knights - / @officialmediaknights 12 - 14:24 - sesskasays - / @sesskasays 13 - 15:37 - Mary Cherry - / @marycherryofficial For business and other inquiries email me at - [email protected] ► Support the channel by leaving a like if you enjoyed this video!▼