why I never throw away toilet paper rolls ! recycling idea

why I never throw away toilet paper rolls ! recycling idea

Have you ever thought about the incredible artistic masterpieces you can create from cardboard tissue rolls? In this video, we'll show you how to transform these simple rolls into beautiful decorations that not only add a decorative touch but can completely transform the look of your home. From amazing and unique designs to clever tricks that you can easily create with recycled materials, this video will surprise you! So, to learn the steps and explore these handmade crafts, be sure to follow our channel and don't miss the video!" ➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️➖️ 5 awesome ideas with toilet paper rolls    • 5 awesome ideas for new year decorati...   So creative and beautiful Ornament making with toilet paper rolls    • so creative and beautiful Christmas O...   #diy #beautiful #craftideas #craftwithpaper #howto #flowers #recycling #great