Morning Worship Service (8/27/2023)
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Section Eight Baptist Church - Morning Service 8-27-2023
Morning Service 8-27-2023
Sunday Morning Service 8-27-2023
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United Free Will Baptist Church 8 27 2023 Sunday Morning Service
Examine yourself to see if you're of the Faith.
The Lord is seeking to protect the purity of His truth.
What was the Levital covenent about?
What God curses no one can bless & what God blesses no one can curse. No one can stop a God's curse.
Loyalty without love is function without feeling. Love God rightly.
Jeremiah 6:10, 26:2 read
Honor God in your heart.
God cursed the priests in Malachi 2:1–2 if they did not listen and take to heart to honor His name.
Every believer is a type of priest (New Testament). You can go to God w/o needing another person.
Repentance is necessary.
What is the purpose of conviction?
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Is God or the world your Father?
God is not allowing suffering as if to force you into submission. It rains on the just and unjust.
8/27/2023 | Morning Worship Service | Mars Hill Baptist Church | Hillsborough, NC