क्रिएटिनिन कम करे बिना दवाई और डायलिसिस के | How to Reduce Creatinine without Dialysis | Ayurveda
Welcome to our YouTube channel, Kidney Treatment without Dialysis in which we keep you informed with our regular videos on Kidney diet and health. Today, In this video, you will know how to reduce creatinine level without dialysis. So, stay connected till the end of the video. Creatinine is a waste product that comes after the digestion of protein in the food and the breakdown of normal muscle tissue. Kidneys are used to filter creatinine from the blood. Everyone has creatinine in their blood but an excess creatinine and other wastes in the blood can be a sign of Kidney disease. As Kidneys is a vital organ of the body, it is used to filter creatinine from the blood and send it out of the body through your urine. Creatinine level is used to indicate how well your kidneys are filtering the waste from your blood. If talking about the normal creatinine level of an adult man, the normal level ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL, while the normal creatinine level of a woman ranges from 0.5 mg/dL to 1.1 mg/dL. High creatinine level shows that our Kidneys are not functioning properly, and so gradually, the creatinine level escalates. At times like this, allopathy doctors usually suggest dialysis to the patient, and end up with a Kidney transplant when no other cure is available. There are several measures following which a patient can easily reduce creatinine. Several factors that a patient can do is drinking adequate water, limiting salt intake, and avoiding consuming dairy products. Along with this, patients are required to include yoga and walking rather than hitting the gym or running. Besides this, a patient should have proper sleep of 7-8 hours. They can include berries, lemon juice, and cabbage-like vitamins in their diet. Patients dealing with diabetes, weak immunity, and high blood pressure are at the highest risk of getting high creatinine. So, they need to pay careful attention to kidney diet and lifestyle. Rest measures to reduce creatinine you can find in the video. Hope now you have become well-familiar with how to reduce high creatinine without undergoing a dialysis procedure. So, keep watching our YouTube channel, Kidney Treatment without Dialysis, to stay updated with valuable information. किडनी की बीमारी से सम्बंधित किसी भी जानकारी के लिए हमे सम्पर्क करे ,निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे एंड पेशेंट की Details भरे:- https://www.karmaayurveda.in/doctor/ More Videos at Kidney Disease Diet Playlist : • Diet for Kidney Disease Patients Ayurvedic Treatment Playlist: • Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment Without Di... Best Diet for Kidney Patients: • Best Diet for Kidney Patients Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Website: https://www.karmaayurveda.in/drappoin... Follow us on : Linkedin: / karma-ayurveda-538a16122 Facebook: / karmaayurvedatreatment Twitter: / karmaayurveda01 Pinterest: / karmaayurveda01