March 16, 2025 - Little Home Church Worship Service
Sermon: "Warning"; Second Sunday of Lent; Presentation of Quilts to the Children Little Home Church by the Wayside - Worship, Fellowship and Service in the Congregational Tradition 00:00 - The Church Bell Calls Us to Worship 01:00 - Welcome & Announcements 05:08 - Centering 08:02 - Call to Worship [Psalm 27] 09:37 - Opening Hymn 11:35 - Prayer of Invocation 12:00 - Prayer of Transformation and New Life [Philippians 3:17 - 4:1] 13:19 - Words of Grace 13:38 - 1st Scripture Reading [Genesis 15:1-12,17-18] 15:38 - Children's Sermon/Quilts 23:23 - 2nd Scripture Reading [Luke 13: 31-35] 25:38 - The Sermon 35:33 - Joys and Concerns 38:22 - The Pastoral Prayer 43:14 - The Call to Offering 44:02 - Offertory Music 47:12 - Closing Hymn 48:47 - The Benediction 49:59 - Postlude