Easy flower vase making / paper flower pot / diy fruit pot./ gorgeous showpiece

Easy flower vase making / paper flower pot / diy fruit pot./ gorgeous showpiece

Easy flower vase making from cement & plastic bottle / handy paper flower vase making with white cement / gorgeous flower Vase making Hi. I'm tanvir, Welcome to my tutorial pottery channel, on my channel I'm trying to publish my videos every week, and your pottery skills well and better. so, be connected my channel & Enjoy my videos. here you can watch & learning how to making home decor items, showpiece, flower Vase, flower pot & other pottery art works. if you interested in my videos please subscribe my channel click the link below https://youtube.com/@TanvirNoman-he5u... Materials:- 1. Plastic bottle 2. White cement & plaster of paris 1:1 3. Acrylic paint 4. Clear activator 5. Sand paper and etc tools. Moor info Music 1. All the hail the queen - dan lebowitz 2. Mirage - chris hugaen 3. Here you can watch my other videos **How to make waterfall fountain    • Diy waterfall fountain / making from ...   **A wonderful flower Vase making from cement    • Flower Vase making / easy craft idea ...   **Coffee pot making from cement    • A pot making from cement / simple cof...   **A simple tissue holder makes from cement    • Diy tissue holder || awesome tissue b...   **An idea with table lamp, it make from cement    • Lightning table lamp making || corner...   **Another tree planter making videos here    • Diy a flower Vase || making stump sha...   **Another wonderful flower Vase making videos below    • Wonderful flower Vase from plastic bo...   **here you can watch more beautiful craft videos, stay connect my channel **Craft from plastic bottle    • Flower Vase making / easy craft idea ...   **Awesome clay craft with plastic bottle flower vase    • Recycled bottle flower vase making ||...   **How to make flower pot from newspaper    • A simple pot making idea / diy how to...   **Flower Vase making with paper / paper craft    • Best easy flower Vase making / hand m...   **Styles flower Vase making videos    • flower pot making / easy craft idea w...   **Best out of waste ideas videos here    • Diy a flower Vase from plastic bottle...   **Artificial plants for home decor, videos here    • Diy pottery making flower vase   **Wall hanging tree planter making videos here    • How to make indoor money plant  tree ...   **Easy flower vase making at home    • Diy beautiful flower vase || makes fr...   **Room decor showpiece videos here    • Tea pot making / showpiece for home d...   **Cement crafts videos here    • Pot making from cement || better melo...   **Craft about balloon / best flower pot videos below    • How to make flower vase || flower pot...   **Coffee pot making videos below    • Tea pot making / showpiece for home d...   **Best plastic bottle flower vase videos here    • Flower Vase making || make from cemen...   Please share my videos with your friends #roomdecor #flowervase #showpiece #pottery