12/19/21 Fourth Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM
Welcome To Anchorage Lutheran Church.
12/19/21 Fourth Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM
12/19/21 Fourth Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM
Holy Sunday Mass (Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C) 12/19/21 Creole 1:00 PM
Love Sunday - Fourth Sunday in Advent 12/19/21
Sunday Mass, 12 19 21, 10:00 am, St Thomas of Canterbury
Holy Sunday Mass (Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C) 12/19/21 Spanish 11:30 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II - Advent 4 - 12/19/21
Holy Sunday Mass (Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C) 12/19/21 English 10:00 AM
St. George's Hilton - Fourth Sunday in Advent - 12-19-21
12 19 21
12/19/21 Sunday 10:00 AM Mass (4th Sun. of Advent)
Christ's Church, Rye, NY, Sermon, 12/19/21
Welcome to Worship! - Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/19/21
12/19/21 10:00 AM Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
Fourth Sunday of Advent - 12/19/21 10:00 AM