Psychiatry & Prescription Drugs: A Profitable Business Keeping You Dependent & Sick for Life.

Psychiatry & Prescription Drugs: A Profitable Business Keeping You Dependent & Sick for Life.

“You go to your family doctor or nurse practitioner, and you tell them, I'm sad, I'm anxious, I'm not sleeping. We hear it all the time in Amen Clinics. I have 11 clinics around the United States (great profitable business, isn't it?). We hear it all the time. I went to my doctor, and he gave me a prescription for Lexapro, Xanax, and Ambien (hardcore medicines), it just blows my mind that they would put you on something that changes your brain to need them (to become a drug addict) in order for you to feel "normal. See, people don't understand, and I'm not opposed to medication. I use it when I think I need it, but let's be clear: They (prescription drugs) do not heal or fix anything. What they (prescription drugs) do is suppress symptoms." ~Daniel Omen, Psychiatrist Psychiatry is pseudoscience. Daniel Amen has a great business with 11 locations to tell people to buy his books and supplements and use Biofeedback. I have serious concerns about the risks and side effects of "treatments" that he is using for children’s "mental health," including prescription drugs, brain imaging, and neurofeedback. These practices often lead to lifelong dependence on hardcore medications, and many kids are experiencing seizures. I know 12 kids with autism who had seizures a few years after brain imaging and neurofeedback. It’s really interesting that so many doctors, and even Robert Kennedy, who is now in charge of Human and Health Services, seem so scared of the medical health mafia. These doctors and people always start by saying, "I’m not opposed to medication; I’m not opposed to vaccines; I use them when I think I need to, BUT..." The fear of the medical mafia is so strong that it doesn’t matter that they swore an oath to "do no harm," because they’re dependent on the mafia, on their certification, job, money, and prestige. So, bye-bye ethical commitment. Their survival and the need to justify their certifications from Pharma drive this, as most of them owe medical schools at least $500,000 and need to make money to pay off that debt. Do you see the business model of the medical cartel now? Parents, don’t allow anyone to treat your child like a lab rat dependent on drugs and make them customers for life. What's the difference between psychiatrists and street drug dealers? #MedicalMafia #PsychiatryExposed #PrescriptionDrugs #BigPharma #HealthForProfit #SickForLife #DrugDependency #Psychiatry #MentalHealthAwareness #PharmaceuticalIndustry #pseudoscience