New Year's Eve Services & Midnight Mass | 31 DEC 10:30 PM (AEDT) | Holy Family Church, Doveton

New Year's Eve Services & Midnight Mass | 31 DEC 10:30 PM (AEDT) | Holy Family Church, Doveton

New Year's Eve Services & Midnight Mass | 31 DECEMBER 10:30 PM (AEDT), from Holy Family Church (Doveton), Australia with Fr. Michael Payyapilly VC. 10:30 PM - Silent Adoration 11:00 PM - Thanksgiving Adoration 12:00 Midnight - New Year's Mass ******************************* REGULAR LIVE STREAMING SCHEDULE ******************************* 9:15 AM - Daily Mass 9:30 AM (Sunday) - Sunday Mass 6:45 PM (Sunday) - Sunday Healing Mass, with Adoration (will resume in January 2022). 6:45 PM (First Friday of the Month) - Divine Australia's Night of Worship, with Praise & Worship, Holy Mass, Talk and Adoration. All times are AEDT *********************************** FOR INFORMATION AND UPDATES. VISIT: ***********************************   / divnau