조선의 으뜸 궁궐,경복궁 Gyeongbokgung Palace (feat. 경회루 특별관람)=후다닥여행75
경복궁은 1395년 창건된 조선왕조이 법궁 (왕이 거처하는 궁궐 가운데 으뜸이 되는 궁궐)이다 위로는 백악산에 기대어 터를 잡았고 정문인 광화문 앞으로는 정치와 경제의 중심인 육조거리(지금의 세종대로)가 있었다 정도전이 지은 '경복'이란 이름에는 '새 왕조가 큰 복을 누려 번영할 것'이라는 의미가 담겨 있다 선조 25년(1592) 임진왜란으로 전소되어 270여 년간 복구되지 못하다가 고종 4년(1867) 흥선대원군의 주도로 중건되었다 당시 경복궁에는 왕과 관리들이 업무를 보던 외전과 궐내각사들, 왕과 왕비 및 궁인들의 생활을 위한 전각들, 휴식을 위한 정원 등 500여 동의 건물들이 조성되었다 일제강점기 때 일본에 의해 의도적으로 훼손되었고, 1915년에는 조선물산공진회를 개최한다는 구실로 90% 이상의 전각이 헐렸다 1990년부터 본격적인 복원사업을 추진해 옛 조선총독부 건물을 철거하고 경복궁의 본래 모습으로 복원하고 있다 Main Royal Palace of the Joseon Dynasty Gyeongbokgung was established in 1395 as the main palace, the principal one of all the royal palaces built for the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) It is located between Baegaksan Mountain in the north and Yukjogeori (Six Ministries Street, present-day Sejong-daero) in the south which , as it was placed just outside the palace's main gate Gwanghwamun, became the center of the dynasty's politics and economy The name of the palace, Gyeong-Bok (literally meaning "brilliance and fortune"), given by Jeong, Do-jeon(1342-1398), a renowned Neo-Confucian scholar statesman who played a key role in establishing the Joseon Dynasty, reflects its founders' wishes for the dynasty to thrive and prosper The palace was destroyed by fire in 1592 when a huge Japanese army under the command of Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea, and lay in ruins for about 270 years until 18667 when a restoration project was launched by Heungseon Daewongun (1820-1898), then head of the government About 500 buildings were restored or newly built as a result of this project, including the Inner and Outer Palace offices in which the king and his government officials performed their duties, and the residences and other related buildings used by the king, queen and court ladies, and the royal gardens The restored palace suffered significant damages at the hands of the Japanese colonial quthorities during the Japanese occupation (1910-1945) In 1915, for instance, over ninety percent of the palace buildings were demolished under the pretext that the Korea Product Promotion Fair would be held in the grounds of the palace A full-fledged project to restore the palace was launched in 1990, including the demolition of the Japanese Government-General Building which had stood in the palace grounds for about seventy years #경복궁 #궁궐 #경회루