Thoughts Are More Powerful Than Action | RHONDA LIVE 8

Thoughts Are More Powerful Than Action | RHONDA LIVE 8

The eighth in the series of "Rhonda Live" Q&As featuring The Secret author Rhonda Byrne. Today's main theme is Thoughts Are More Powerful Than Action - During this conversation, Rhonda discusses topics that include: 00:00 - Opening, thinking a deliberate thought 01:35 - Lester Levenson a real master 01:55 - Thoughts are your superpower 02:14 - Athletes using visualisation 03:47 - Visualisation is thought in pictures 04:37 - How powerful our thoughts are 05:49 - Making The Secret Documentary 13:22 - Are glimpses showing your manifestation is coming? 15:22 - The law of attraction is infallible 17:48 - Believing can override doubt in your subconscious mind 19:12 - Welcome feeling low 21:00 - What is the most powerful thought? 22:29 - Limiting beliefs about taking action 22:48 - Improving relationships with thoughts 23:23 - Writing out your desires 24:08 - Going with the flow 24:54 - How to manifest love 25:17 - Asking for a billion-dollar idea 27:18 - Being aware of negative thoughts 28:47 – Should we have a Plan B? 29:13 – Manifesting multiple desires at the same time 29:55 – How to manifest positive thought? 30:54 – Staying positive while surrounded by negativity 31:31 – Asking the Universe to help make a decision 32:04 – Using the power of your mind before you act #rhondabyrne #thesecret #manifesting #thoughts #lawofattraction Subscribe to view more from The Secret: On The Secret YouTube channel, you will discover conversations with Rhonda Byrne, movie trailers, book launch videos, audiobook excerpts, inspirational clips, advice on the law of attraction, manifestation and other powerful practices to ensure you have everything you need to create whatever you want—happiness, health, wealth, and anything you can dream of. Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret, a documentary film that swept the world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement around the power of manifestation. Later that year Rhonda's book of The Secret was released, which was translated into 50 languages and remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century. Rhonda has written five more bestselling books since, which together form The Secret Book Series: The Power in 2009, The Magic in 2010, Hero in 2013, How The Secret Changed My Life in 2016, The Greatest Secret in 2020, and her latest book, The Secret to Love, Health, and Money: A Masterclass in 2022. Rhonda's intention is and will always be bringing joy to billions. To learn more visit: To view The Secret products: Make sure to follow The Secret and share your journey with us - #TheSecret   / thesecret     / thesecret     / thesecret365