3 O'CLOCK Prayer for Financial Breakthrough! Padre Pio Miracle Night & Morning Prayer

3 O'CLOCK Prayer for Financial Breakthrough! Padre Pio Miracle Night & Morning Prayer

Do you wake up between 3am - 5am? Do this! Some people feel discomfort, discomfort and even fear after 3:00 in the morning for unknown reasons. The truth is that this concern is more frequent than is believed and that is where the question of why do I get up at this time begins? Should I say a prayer so as not to feel invaded by fear? Why say a prayer at 3:00 in the morning? It is the opportune moment to raise a prayer to God as Abraham did to worship God. The book of Genesis in its chapter 19: 2 says: "When Abraham got up early in the morning, he went to the place where he had been before the Lord"; while Matthew 25:6 expresses: "At midnight I will rise to praise you for your righteous judgments." When you raise a prayer to God at that time, you intercede for your life, that of your family, friends and loved ones. In addition, you prepare to have a day full of successes and blessings. The book of Proverbs 8:17 adds: "I love those who love me, and those who seek me in the morning will find me." Morning prayer to Padre Pio to start the day off right – We face the day with determination, behaving justly and with humility to transform ourselves in the eyes of God into a gift of love. Every time someone approached Padre Pio to ask for help and spiritual advice for some need or urgency they were going through, he always repeated to them tirelessly: “Let us have the firm hope of being heard, confident in the promise that the Divine Master makes us: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you… For everything you ask the Father in my name will be given to you” If you have an emergency, do not hesitate, fill yourself with hope and ask our Lord for the intercession of Padre Pio by praying one of these prayers ---- Darius Wallis http://prayershelp.com/