How to Install DataPacks in Minecraft 1.20.2 – Easy Installation in Few Steps
How to Install DataPacks for Minecraft in 1.20.2 will be showcasing the easiest way to Install DataPacks for Minecraft. It will be hard for new players to Install DataPacks, So we've made a wonderful guide in order to let you install DataPacks with ease. You can also put multiple DataPacks by using this unique video. Timestamps: Minecraft DataPacks 1.20.2 Installation (0:00) DataPacks 1.20.2 Installation (0:13) Open & Save Minecraft World (0:17) TreeCapitator 1.20.2 Download (0:56) Copy Paste the DataPack in DataPacks folder (1:09) Use /reload command (1:30) DataPack 1.20.2 Working (1:43) TreeCapitator 1.20.2 Gameplay (2:00) TreeCapitator 1.20.2 Settings (3:00) DataPack Installation: Step 1: Downloading this DataPack. Step 2: Create a Minecraft World. Step 3: Save the Minecraft world. Click on single player then select the world you’ve saved. Click on the saved world and then open worlds folder. Open the Data Packs folder. Move your downloaded file into data packs folder. Open Saved world. Press /reload. Data Pack will be working. That’s all the commands. Have fun and enjoy this unique DataPack. Timber DataPack Download: https://resourcepack.info/treecapitat... #minecraft #minecraftshorts #treecapitator