10:30 am, Holy Eucharist - Palm Sunday (4.10.2022)
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday The Liturgy of the Palms & The Holy Eucharist April 10, 2022. Presider & Dean: The Very Reverend Penny Bridges; Preacher: The Reverend Richard Hogue, Jr.; Deacon: The Reverend Canon Brooks Mason; Readers: Thomas Barb, Rockette Ewell; Intercessor: Anita Martinez. Service Music: The Psalm 31:9-16: In te, Domine, speravi - BCP 623 chant: Matthew Camidge (1758-1844) The Sequence Motet: Christus factus est - Giovanni Anerio (c.1567 - 1630) At the Offertory, Motet:: Vinea mea electa - Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) At the Communion, Motet: Civitas sancti tui - William Byrd (1543-1623) Organ Voluntary: Herzlich tut mich verlangen, Op. 122 - Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)