(Simulated Rebroadcast)-December 11, 2022 - The Cross Sunday Morning Worship Service!
(Simulated Rebroadcast)-December 11, 2022 - The Cross Sunday Morning Worship Service! Welcome to The Cross of Southern California The Cross is a church that teach Christ-centered principles needed to equip saints to negotiate life's challenges. We are committed to making you and your family feel right at home! Under the leadership of Pastor Kenneth R. Rivers, we strive to provide an atmosphere where broken vessels can be made new! We also provide classes and ministries for all ages that are taught and led by people who are passionate about the Word of the Lord! On behalf of Pastor Kenneth and Lady Rose Rivers, We thank you for joining our Sunday Morning Worship Service! Join us every Sunday at 10:00 AM for our Sunday Morning Worship Service and Every Wednesday Evening at 6:00 PM for our Pastoral Bible Study! We pray that you will support our ministry. Please give on our website at: www.https://thecrossofsocal.org/ Text to Give Text "GiveNow" to (760) 309-6944 Click or copy the following link, or the button below! https://app.sharefaith.com/App/Form/c... Please know that every donation is greatly appreciated and will help us full-fill the Great Commission mandate God has for our ministry! May God bless each of you!