Bingo Was His Name - O  (Baby's First Pet) | More Lalafun Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs ‪@Tonytooons‬

Bingo Was His Name - O (Baby's First Pet) | More Lalafun Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs ‪@Tonytooons‬

#lalafun #kidssongs #nurseryrhymes 🐶 Bingo, Baby's First Pet! 🎶 Sing, dance, and laugh with Lalafun's catchy nursery rhymes! Lyrics: There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o! Verse 2 There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! -I-N-G-O, - -I-N-G-O, - -I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o! Verse 3 There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! N-G-O, - - N-G-O, - - N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o! Verse 4 There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! - G-O, - - - G-O, - - - G-O And Bingo was his name-o! Verse 5 There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! - - O, - - O, - - O And Bingo was his name-o! Verse 6 There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! - - -, - - - - -, - - - - - And Bingo was his name-o! Verse 7 There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o! B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o!    • 🎧 TonyToons PODCAST 🎧 Sing with TonyT...   Hey there, little ones and grown-ups! Welcome to the super fun world of Lalafun! 🎈 We sing, dance, and giggle to lots of cool nursery rhymes. 🎶 Some you might know, and some are brand new just for you! 😄 Want to join the fun every week? Yay! Subscribe here:    / @tonytooons   Jump into our magical song adventures: 🌟 Old MacDonald Had a Farm | EP05 | TonyToons Nursery Rhymes | Best Kids Songs •    • 🧑‍🌾🐓 Old MacDonald Had a Farm | EP05 ...   🌟 So Much Fun! | Play in the Park Song +More Lalafun Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs •    • So Much Fun! | Play in the Park Song ...   🌟 Baby Shark Dance Song | Colorful Baby Sharks 🦈 | LiaChaCha Nursery Rhymes Compilation •    • Baby Shark Dance Song | Colorful Baby...   Come along and let's make every day a Lalafun day! 🌈💖 #nurseryrhymes #lalafun #kidssongs #bingo #abckidtv #forkids #bingowashisnameo #bingowashisnameolittlebabybum #bingowashisnameosong #bingowashisnameococomelon #bingowashisnameoh #bingowashisnameokaraoke #bingowashisnameopiano #bingowashisnameolyrics #bingowashisnameomsrachel #bingowashisnameospanish #bingowashisnameof #bingowashisnameoremix #bingowashisnameoinstrumental #bingowashisnameobarney #bingowashisnameotrapremix #bingowashisnameosupersimplesongs #bingowashisnameooriginal #bingowashisnameoand #bingowashisnameolittlebabybumcocomelon #lalafun #lalafun-nurseryrhymes #lalafunwheelsonthebus #lalafuntrain #lalafunlogo #lalafunbooboo #lalafunoldmacdonaldhadafarm #lalafuneffects #lalafunhickorydickorydock #lalafunfivelittleducks #lalafunlogoeffects #lalafunabc #lalafundi #lalafunfivelittlemonkeys #lalafunrainraingoaway #lalafunnurseryrhymesthewheelsonthebus #lalafunand #lalafuntv