💌 Hey Lovelies 💌 🙌🏾 YOU ALL HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR AN UPDATED WASH-DAY / PROTEIN TREATMENT VIDEO AND AZÉ GOT YALL. ❗️🍾🙌🏾. #4chair #naturalhair #blackwomen #hairgrowthjourney #selfcare #washday YES, this is the same protein treatment that we have been doing for YEARS! So many people have grown their hair with this regimen that Azé has put us all onto so I hope you all enjoy 💞 For this video/ wash day you need: Protein Treatment recipe below Spray bottle with warm water Suave conditioner almond and shea butter (conditioner of your choice) Olive oil (or oil of your choice) After putting the treatment in, you go in with shampoo to wash this treatment out with WARM WATER, chille you dont wanna use hot water or cook the egg in your hair. Then back in with your conditioner and oil of choice. THIS IS THE ONLY ONLY ONLY ROUTINE THAT WE DO FOR OUR WASH DAYS, AND ITS THE BELOVED PROTEIN TREATMENT REGIMEN WE TALKED ABOUT BEFORE ON THIS CHANNEL. This is also a great way to PROTECT YOUR HAIR AGAINST DAMAGE. It strengthens your hair, protects your strands, and really is an amazing regimen you can add to your routine for hair growth. Recipe for protein treatment recipe is here, with all of its benefits: • THE PROTEIN TREATMENT THAT GREW MY 4C... THIS IS THE VERY EASY TRIED AND TRUE PROTEIN TREATMENT RECIPE THAT HAS GROWN MY HAIR WAIST LENGTH (and has helped many others grow their hair longer, thicker, fuller) • THE PROTEIN TREATMENT THAT GREW MY 4C... MY SIMPLE MOISTURIZING ROUTINE & DETANGLING ROUTINE FOR IN BETWEEN WASH DAYS, MINIMIZING BREAKAGE, and EXTREME GROWTH: • MY SIMPLE MOISTURIZING + DETANGLING R... This is the video mentioned of Azé’s Hair Growth Update / Simple Routine that has grown her hair waist length … WATCH THIS TO SEE THE SIMPLE ROUTINE AZE USES TO GROW HER HAIR WAIST LENGTH • EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GROW HEALTHY N... WATCH THE FULL VIDEO OF THINGS I DONT DO/ STOPPED DOING TO PROMOTE EXTREME HAIR GROWTH HERE (EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE & HELPFUL) • I STOPPED DOING THESE TO PROMOTE EXTR... THIS IS APART OF OUR GETTING BACK TO THE BASICS SERIES WHERE AZE AND I SHOW YOU GUYS SOME OF OUR FAVORITE, AFFORDABLE, & ACCESSIBLE SELF CARE TIPS AND TRICKS SO STAY TUNED. 💞 All of the blog posts mentioned are linked here. Aze’s Blog www.justforblackgirls.com 💞 A WRITTEN OUTLINE OF THE HAIR CARE ROUTINE AZE DESCRIBES HERE https://www.justforblackgirls.com/pos... If you have a hair care regimen that works for you, that is GREAT. Continue doing what has helped you, we understand these are very different or uncommon methods but this is for anyone who may be in need of a simpler routine, simple things they can stop doing to promote hair growth, and also encouragement in their natural hair journeys! 💞If you guys have any questions feel free to reach me or Azé below 💞 CONTACT INFO: Instagram: @xo1_sierra Instagram: @mynamesaze All inquiries for natural hair please email: [email protected] All business inquiries for modeling, beauty, mental health, etc. Email - [email protected]