More 1 hour of silence occasionally broken up by Hoboharry

More 1 hour of silence occasionally broken up by Hoboharry

image from TI13 meetup sussy link:    • bery sus   yes, these are the old lines i took alongside the first part no, i simply didn't look for more lines, these are the batches i have yes, i can't fit them all in one hour video so i made a second one no, he didn't reach top 100 yes, i made it anyway, some lines need to be shared to the world no, the latest was that silent hill clip no, again, i didn't save up more clips other than that silent hill 2 clip yes, it's tempting to get more lines no, i'm not sure yet if i'm making more of this except there are popular demands (and hopefully clips don't go kaput) yes, i sorta have an idea for one, provided i have will and time no, there's another problem with the idea, i have shit internet yes, it's mostly an excuse but it's really a problem for me yes, you may carry on the legacy of "1 hour of silence occasionally broken up by Hoboharry" vide- wait, why do you ask for my permission? just make em if you want to no, i don't have any ques- hey, you were the one asking don't turntable this part 3 drops when i learn how to count to 3 man in the vidoe (the right one):