Helping Parents Understand Autism – Expert Q&A | ‪@manishsamnani77‬  | Occupational Therapist  #autism

Helping Parents Understand Autism – Expert Q&A | ‪@manishsamnani77‬ | Occupational Therapist #autism

If you are a parent of an autistic child, please fill out this form. If you are a parent of an autistic child and wish to contact our team or share any information related to autism and suggestions related to our content, feel free to message us on our WhatsApp number ( +91 87005 96826 ) We value your feedback and ideas. Thank you Parenting is always a journey, and when it comes to raising children with autism, it requires even greater understanding and sensitivity. In this inspiring video, Dr. Manish Samnani—an experienced occupational therapist—and his wife, Dr. Malvika, share their insights on redefining autism from a condition to be managed, rather than a disease to be cured. They emphasize the importance of moving away from traditional rule-based parenting and embracing a child-centered approach that acknowledges each child’s unique needs. Dr. Sabnani explains that autism is not something to be ashamed of; rather, it is a neurodevelopmental variation that demands a supportive, structured environment. He discusses practical strategies such as creating a consistent routine for everyday activities like toilet training, which can be particularly challenging for autistic children. The key is to develop a schedule and follow it meticulously—even if the child does not show immediate cues—so that the process becomes an integral part of their learning experience. The video also highlights the significance of play in fostering communication and social skills. Instead of dictating what is right or wrong, parents are encouraged to use play as a medium to connect with their child. By identifying and engaging with the child’s favorite objects, parents can help expand their focus and gradually introduce new experiences. Additionally, the discussion covers the importance of addressing sensory needs through methods such as sensory integration therapy, which can help reduce sensory-seeking behaviors. Dr. Sabnani’s approach is rooted in teamwork and collaboration, urging parents to work closely with therapists and involve extended family members in the process. This comprehensive strategy aims to gradually build essential skills, ensuring that every autistic child is empowered to grow and thrive in their own unique way. If you find this video helpful, please like, share, and subscribe to Josh Talks for more insightful discussions on autism and other important topics. #autismawareness #parentingtips #autismsupport #neurodiversity #specialneedsparenting #autismacceptance #childdevelopment #occupationaltherapy #sensoryprocessing #earlyintervention #autismeducation #inclusiveparenting #speechtherapy #autismjourney #joshtalks Time Stamp 1️⃣ 00:00 - 01:06 | Autism is not a disease 2️⃣ 01:07 - 02:26 | SOCH Centre & routine 3️⃣ 02:27 - 03:51 | Checklist for training 4️⃣ 03:52 - 05:02 | Role modeling impact 5️⃣ 05:03 - 06:29 | Play-based engagement 6️⃣ 06:30 - 08:01 | Focus & sensory needs 7️⃣ 08:02 - 10:19 | Transition challenges 8️⃣ 10:20 - 12:14 | Sensory-seeking behavior 9️⃣ 12:15 - 14:45 | Coping strategies 🔟 14:46 - 17:00 | Parent-child therapy Disclaimer The views, information, opinions, and beliefs expressed in this video are personal to the speaker and are expressed in good faith. Josh Talks is not, in any manner, supporting or endorsing the views, information, opinions, and beliefs of the speaker. Josh Talks is merely, in good faith, providing a platform and a channel for a diverse group of speakers to share their knowledge and learnings for general educational purposes only. Josh Talks is not responsible, and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, or completeness of the views, information, opinions, and beliefs expressed by the speaker. Nothing in this video constitutes advice of any kind or manner. Viewers are encouraged to exercise their discretion in watching or hearing this video, and to conduct their own due diligence before taking any action based on this video. Those who take any action on the basis of the concepts and ideas presented in this video do so at their own risk. Josh Talks does not wish to create any rumours, offend any religion, community or individual, or disrespect any person or hurt their sentiments in any manner whatsoever. About Josh Talks “If you want to do something big in life, all you need is Josh” Josh Talks is a platform where we share beautiful stories of role models; of people who come into our lives in the form of an elder brother and sister- sometimes as stories that show us the bright side of the world, sometimes as faces that we love and look up to and sometimes as skills that bring the better of us.