I Was WRONG ... These Are The Best Boots Of 2024 - ASICS DS Light X Fly 5 Limited Review
So a little while ago I made a bold claim that I had found the Boot Of The Year 2024. Well, it turns out, that very bold claim has come back to bite me in the ass. I now have a NEW footbal boot (or soccer cleat if you will) of the year 2024, and I'm not too big to admit I was wrong! If you have spoken to me or watched the Football Boot Hour Podcast in recent times you'll already know what this is. The ASICS DS Light X Fly 5 Limited and while also proclaiming this as the best thing to ever grace my feet, we will also be doing a full review of it. Have to give a massive shout out to Tokyo Football, and if you want to grab these they're your best bet, check them out on Instagram @tokyofootball.sg Now you could claim that this didn't get released in 2024 so it doesn't qualify for boot of the year, but I only tried it for the first time this year and I just can't deny it the honour. Although there are still a good few months left in the year, who knows what I might find before then. If you want to help support the channel then please consider any of the below grip sock brands, they're brands I've ranked very highly and since been able to negotiate discounts with that benefit you and me. Teqnigrip - https://teqnigrip.com/ discount code - BOOTWIZARD for 20% off APEX - https://apexsox.com/discount/WIZARD10 - WIZARD10 for 10% off VYPR5 SureGrip - https://www.vypr5.com/ - BOOTWIZARD10 for 10% off Welcome to Boot Wizard, thanks for checking out the channel. If you enjoyed the video please hit the like button, remember to subscribe and always feel free to drop a message in the comments letting me know what you want to see next. Remember you can check me out on instagram @bootwizardbootreviews For business purposes you can always reach out to me via email [email protected]