Spiritual Formation | W2 | September 21, 2022 | Strawbridge Community Church | New Windsor, MD
Notes: https://strawbridgeumc.org/wp-content... Peace and grace all– Fall 2022 Bible Study on Spiritual Formation continues on Wednesday, Sep 21st (7pm). The interactive study will stream LIVE to via Zoom and Facebook. Below and attached is information to prepare you for the week2 lesson. You should acquire a composition type notebook for this study. This will serve as your personal journal. Each week’s assignment will ask a few questions and you should write your answers and thoughts in your journal. When we get on the Zoom/Facebook meeting, you should be sharing from your journal writings. You can also jot down new questions you have and present them during the study. Read the definitions of spiritual formation below and the Process of Becoming wording attached pdf. Then read Colossians 3:8-14, to answer the following: Write in your journal about… What do you feel about Calvin’s view on Spiritual Formation in the paper (attached pdf)? What consistency or difference do you see in what we discussed last week (Regent excerpt)? Do you AGREE or DISAGREE that Calvin’s teaching on process is consistent with what Paul is saying in Colossians 3? ———————————————————- Differing Definitions for Spiritual Formation Used within the Catholic Church to denote the training of full-time ministers in both the academic arena and spiritual disciplines such as prayer, bible reading and fasting (Sheldrake, 2005). Some proponents of spiritual formation have expressed it as the practice of spiritual disciplines such as Lectio Divina where there is a strong emphasis on prayer, meditation, and contemplation on God’s word derived from the bible (Tang, 2014). Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) has defined spiritual formation as “the biblically guided process in which people are being transformed into the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit within the faith community in order to love and serve God and others” (CCCU, 2011, p. 13). Hull (2007) has equated spiritual formation as the same as discipleship but expressed in a modern term that will relate better with believers today. Willard distinguished discipleship as the decision to follow Jesus as an apprentice whereas “spiritual formation is the direct action of the Holy Spirit upon the inner person” (Hull, 2010). The group of 2009 spiritual formation leaders has defined spiritual formation as the “process of being shaped by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ, filled with love for God and the world” (A Call to Spiritual Formation, 2009). Throop’s Five (5) Facets of Spiritual Formation: reflective reading, active repentance, total stewardship, penetrating prayer, and community accountability. Amb Ross One Church, One People, One Ministry and Our Eyes Are Watching God! #strawbridgecommunitychurch #strawbridgecc #strawbridgechurch #church #faith