Baked whole Chicken in Traditional Way Grilled chicken in aluminum foil  nature food stop NFS

Baked whole Chicken in Traditional Way Grilled chicken in aluminum foil nature food stop NFS

Facebook Instagram   / naturefoodstop001   twitter   / naturefoodstop   youtube    / @foodstopmuthu   I'm glad to welcome you In the video above we have shown how to cook chicken in the old fashioned way  Ingredients for cooking chicken meat rolled in clay Requires a whole chicken meat chili powder garam masala yogurt salt cilantro leaf mushroom lemon  Process  In a pan, mix the chili powder, yogurt, spices, and lemon juice on top of the chicken meat. It should be wrapped around the banana leaf and paper on it. Ready the recipe can be found in the video above  uses  The meat is rich in protein and vitamin supplements for humans. Baked whole Chicken in Traditional Way Bala using ingredients full chicken red chili garam masala cure salt ginger garlic past banana leaf all-purpose flour...etc #BakedwholeChickeninTraditionalWay #claychicken