🔴 ELLIE RUN AWAY FROM TOMMY'S DAM | The Last Of Us Part 1 Remake Walkthrough #horror #tlou

🔴 ELLIE RUN AWAY FROM TOMMY'S DAM | The Last Of Us Part 1 Remake Walkthrough #horror #tlou

Welcome To My Youtube Channel DI BANTU SUPPORT YA GUYS JANGAN LUPA LIKE DAN SUBSCRIBE GAME : The Last of Us™. Chapter 6 The Suburbs : The Sewers Chapter 7 Tommy's Dam : Hydroelectric Dam , Ranch House The chapter will begin with much less build-up than in previous sections. Ellie and Joel will arrive in Jackson County, with the game giving us control shortly after they see a sign on the side of the trail. Joel will attempt to open the gate before he's threatened by survivors. Time to watch a cutscene. After it's finished, Tommy will give Joel a tour of the area. Follow behind him and drink it all in. Now, regroup with Tommy. He's through the door on the opposite side of the room. As you head inside, you'll cue a cutscene, so grab the popcorn and sit back. When the scene concludes, Tommy and Joel will have to thwart an attack. follow Juga Acc Sosial Media Instagram :   / djapsuryanto   Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@youtopz?_t=8q... Yang Ingin Memberikan Untuk Channel ini Lebih Berkembang Saweria : https://saweria.co/youtopz #horror #gamehoror #survivalhorror #survivalgame #tlou #thelastofuspart1 #thelastofusremake #walkthrough #gameplay #horrorgames #horrorgaming #thelastofusremastered #YouTopZz #playstasion #joelmiller #Cordycepsbraininfection #elliewilliams #stealth #thelastofuspart1remake #bloater #thesuburbs #live #livestreaming #tlousewers #thelastofuspart1tommysdam