9:00 am - Sunday Catholic Mass - Stewardship Weekend  -  September 18, 2022

9:00 am - Sunday Catholic Mass - Stewardship Weekend - September 18, 2022

Our Stewardship Weekends are the next two weekends, September 10, 11, and 17 & 18. Your gift funds all of the ministries of the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Your gift will support Vibrant Worship, Faith Formation, and Youth & Young Adult Ministries. We have grown an impressive 90% of registered families since breaking ground on our beautiful Cathedral, and we have seen a rise in individual members of 69%. Ministries abound, full of life and hope for those involved and those they serve. As we move forward into 2023, we look at not simply maintaining our parish but instead, we are emboldened to reach out to all within our parish boundaries. We want everyone to know that the Cathedral is a place where all are welcome because Christ is most fully present here. We ask that you prayerfully consider your commitment to the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. If you are already a faithful steward and pledge each year, please consider increasing your pledge. Even a tiny amount makes a big difference. Thank you for your faithful support. You can find our online stewardship form at shcathedral.org. PERMISSION TO PODCAST/STREAM THE MUSIC IN THIS SERVICE WAS OBTAINED FROM ONE LICENSE WITH LICENSE A-718243, AND CCLI LICENSE 1846999 #Catholic #VigilMass #StewardshipWeekend