The Last of Us Remastered Ep13 "Pittsburgh: Hotel" Survival Difficulty (No Commentary)
#TheLastOfUsRemastered #TLOU #Hotel Hotel Lobby Joel and Ellie escape the Hunters and make their way towards the bridge on the other side of the city. They come to the Hotel Grande and fight their way through until they come to an elevator shaft. As Joel boosts Ellie up, the elevator beneath him falls, and Joel ends up in the basement, leaving Ellie above. Joel finds a way out of the basement, running into a load of Stalkers and a Bloater (not there on Easy Mode). He has to start a generator to get a keycard door to function, attracting more Infected to him. After escaping that, Joel tries to get back up to Ellie, but encounters a group of hunters who take down a Clicker. After disposing of them, a Hunter finds him and almost kills him until Ellie steps in at the last minute and kills him with Joel's gun, which he is struggling to reach. Joel however does not show his gratitude, instead scolding her for not staying where she was, leading to an awkward silence between the pair. They get out of the hotel and head to the Financial District.