Sunday, October 22, 2023 11:00 a.m.
Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost Love and Limits - Rev. Dr. Andrew McDonald Worship/Music Notes: The Chancel Choir and the Youth Choirs are in need of singers. If you are interested in either of these groups, contact Marilyn Biery: [email protected]. or Bobby DeLisle at [email protected] or Carol Beth Litkouhi at [email protected]. In Remembrance: Requiem by Gabriel Fauré on Sunday, November 5 at 4:00 p.m. at Kirk in the Hills. A service of prayer and song to remember those we have lost in the last year, with the Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Choir, James Biery, director; the Kirk in the Hills Chancel Choir, Marilyn Biery, director; Rev. Edwin Estevez and Kelsey Sorge;, with an orchestra of horns, strings, harp and organ. Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809 – 4 November 1847), was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. Known for his symphonies, concertos, piano music and chamber music, he is also credited for revitalizing the music of J. S. Bach, which had fallen into obscurity. He wrote a significant body of organ music, including sonatas and preludes and fugues. Today’s Musicians: David Enos, associate organist and carillonist; Marilyn Biery, organist and director. Copyright acknowledgements: The following is used with permission, OneLicense.net License No. 717156-A: “Love the Lord Your God” text © 1991 Desert Flower Music.