Don't Sleep Without Listening To This Prayer - A Night Prayer Before sleep - Bedtime sleeping prayer

Don't Sleep Without Listening To This Prayer - A Night Prayer Before sleep - Bedtime sleeping prayer

Don't Sleep Without Listening To This Prayer - A Night Prayer Before sleep - Bedtime sleeping prayer Heavenly Lord, As this day comes to a close, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude, and reverence. Thank You for the gift of this day, for every breath I took, for every step I made, and for every opportunity You placed before me. Whether today was filled with joy or challenges, I trust that You were with me in every moment, guiding and protecting me. night prayer before going to bed prayers for the night time best night prayer before bed catholic night time prayer all night prayer while sleeping nighttime prayer and meditation nighttime prayers for healing night prayers for peace of mind bedtime prayers listen while you sleep nighttime prayers for peaceful sleep nighttime devotional prayers catholic night prayer before sleep night prayer to jesus christ #nightprayerscatholicyoutube#nightbibleversesandprayers #nightprayersforprotection#let'spraytogethernightprayer #goodprayerstosayatnight#nightprayercatholictoday #dangerousprayerbeforeyousleepatnight#christiannightprayerinenglis #prayerforgoodnightsleepandprotection #powerfulnightprayerbeforegoingtobed #eveningprayertotheholyspirit#sundaynightprayercatholic#nighttimespiritualwarfareprayers