Restro style pasta | Pasta Recipes | How to make pastas | The Grandma Food

Restro style pasta | Pasta Recipes | How to make pastas | The Grandma Food

अब घर पर ही बनाये Pasta | Pasta Recipe | How to make pasta | The Grandma Food 🔷Your Queries:- Welcome to our channel guys🫶🏻 . Here you will find variety of food like Desi,Western,Italian etc If you want to eat some spicy 🌶️ delicious food and learn to cook so please subscribe my YouTube channel 🔷Ingredients, Ring pasta -250gm oil 1/2 cup tomato 1 ginger garlic paste 1 TB spn green chili 3 onion 1 medium sliced coriander leaves 1/2 cup turmeric haldi 1 TB spn red chili -1 TB spn coriander powder -1TB spn salt -1.5 TB spn Garam masala -Half TB spn Chana masala -Half TB spn Tomato ketchup - half cup Soy sauce - half cup Ghee - 2 Tb spn Shimla mirch - half Green onion - 1 slices 🔷DISCLAIMER-The information provided on this channel is for general purposes only and should NOT be considered as professional advice. All opinions expressed here are my own based on my personal experience and All the content published on this channel is my own creative work and is protected under copyright law and in case you need to use my content for any purpose please write to me [email protected] macaroni recipe, macaroni, macaroni kaise banate hain, macaroni ki recipe, macaroni pasta recipe, macaroni salad recipe, macaroni recipe in tamil, macaroni recipe in malayalam, macaroni pasta, macaroni salad, macaroni kaise banaen, macaroni kaise banti hai, pasta kaise banate hain pasta ki recipe, pasta kaise banate he, pasta kis chij se banta hai, pasta kis chij ka banta hai, pasta kivabe ranna kore, pasta kaise banaen ghar per, pasta khane wali bahu, pasta kurkure recipe, pasta kya chij se banta hai, pasta kaise banaen, pasta kaise banta hai, pasta kaise banaya jata hai, pasta ki recipe, pasta recipes pasta, pasta kaise banate hain, pasta recipes in tamil, pasta recipe at home, pasta banane ka tarika, pasta recipes in telugu, pasta banane ki recipe, pasta recipes in malayalam, pasta seivathu eppadi, pasta recipe, pasta kaise banaen, how to make pasta, how to make pasta at home, how to make pasta at home easy, how to make pasta in tamil, how to make pasta in telugu how to make pasta in malayalam, how to make pasta in kannada, how to make pasta without vegetables, how to make pasta without tomato, how to make pasta with sugar, pasta recipes, pasta recipes in tamil pasta recipes in telugu, pasta recipes in malayalam, pasta recipes in kannada, pasta recipes in bengali, pasta recipes in marathi, pasta recipes white sauce, pasta recipes without vegetables, pasta recipes simple 🔷social media 1 Instagram handle 2 Facebook handle #macaronirecipe #macaroni #macaronikaisebanatehain #macaronikirecipe #macaronipastarecipe #macaronisaladrecipe #macaronirecipeintamil#macaronirecipeinmalayalam #macaronipasta #macaronisalad #macaronikaisebanaen #macaronikaisebantihai #pastakaisebanatehain #pastakirecipe #pastakaisebanatehe#pastakischijsebantahai #pastakischijkabantahai #pastakivaberannakore #pastakaisebanaengharper #pastakhanewalibahu #pastakurkurerecipe #pastakyachijsebantahai #pastakaisebanaen #pastakaisebantahai #pastakaisebanayajatahai #pastakirecipe #pastarecipes #pasta #pastakaisebanatehain #pastarecipesintamil #pastarecipeathome #pastabananekatarika #pastarecipesintelugu#pastabananekirecipe #pastarecipeinmalayalam #pastaseivathueppadi #pastarecipe #pastakaisebanaen #howtomakepasta #howtomakepastaathome #howtomakepastaathomeeasy #howtomakepastaintamil #howtomakepastaintelugu #howtomakapastainmalayalam #howtomakepastainkannada #howtomakepastawithoutvegetables #howtomakepastawithouttomato #howtomakepastawithsugar #pastarecipes #pastarecipesintelugu #pastarecipesinmalayalam #pastarecipesintamil #pastarecipesinkannada #pastarecipesinbengali#pastarecipesinmarathi #pastarecipeswhitesauce #pastarecipeswithoutvegetables #pastarecipessimple #thegrandmafood