March 9, 2025 service live-stream - Victory over Temptation - 1st Sunday in Lent

March 9, 2025 service live-stream - Victory over Temptation - 1st Sunday in Lent

Today’s service folder can be found at this link: . The service folder contains all the hymns, Bible readings, and spoken parts for this service. We're so glad you could join us for this live-stream worship service! Please join us in our church building in the future, if you're able. Go to our church website for more information: . Or, if you're not able to join us in our church building because you don't live nearby, please attend another church of our fellowship in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS); you can find the closest location to you here: . If you're not able to attend a worship service in person, please join us here again on our YouTube channel for future worship services, or watch past services:    / @standrewchicago   If you’re able, please come and join us after the worship service, at about 11:00 (Sunday a.m., Central Time) for Bible study for adults (held at tables in the back of our worship space in church) and Sunday school for kids (age 3 through grade 8, held either in the church basement or ministry center next-door to church; high-schoolers are welcome to join adult Bible study in church). This Sunday in adult Bible study, we continue a series entitled "Helping the Hurting with Hope." This Bible study series seeks to help participants appreciate the role of compassion in a Christian’s personal and congregational life. It provides gospel motivation for participants to go beyond their comfort zones and act in compassionate ways through the Spirit’s power. By cultivating compassion, congregations will be better spiritual refuges for people with broken lives, and welcome people looking for a church family where they can walk a new path after release from prison, or in recovery from addiction, or starting a new life after a public fall into sin. All are welcome! Thank you for joining us, and may God bless your worship and meditation on his Word! (Music and liturgy used under OneLicense # A-714339 and CCLI license # 20019508. Scripture readings are from the Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV), copyright 2019 by the Wartburg Project, .)