Rajyoga Meditation Course |Day-1|Who am I?Swayam ki khoj|Soul|Atma|ytshorts|BkDrSeema@BkDrDamini
Rajyoga Meditation Course |Day-1|Who am I?Swayam ki khoj|Soul|Atma|ytshorts|BkDrSeema @BkDrDamini Raja Yog is the Supreme Yoga through which the Soul becomes master (a Raja /King) of all its senses (organs, mind, intellect) by simply remembering the Supreme Soul. Today we will discuss about 1. Self-realisation - In this we will know the answer of WHO AM I? Am I a body or Am I an energy working through this body . So in this we will understand that I am a soul , tiny point of light residing in the centre of the forehead . Soul is the driver and body is the car .soul has mind intellect and sanskar which it carries forward birth after birth. About Brahma Kumaris – Brahma Kumaris is the largest spiritual organisation in the world led by women. It was the founder, Prajapita Brahma Baba, who chose to put women in front from the very beginning, and it has set Brahma Kumaris apart on the stage of the world’s religions and spiritual organisations. For over 84 years, the leadership has been characterised by steady courage, a capacity for forgiveness and a deep commitment to unity. Founded in India in 1937, Brahma Kumaris has spread to over 110 countries on all continents and has had an extensive impact in many sectors as an international NGO. However, their real commitment is to helping individuals transform their perspective of the world from material to spiritual. It supports the cultivation of a deep collective consciousness of peace and of the individual dignity of each soul. What is Rajyoga Meditation? Raja Yoga is an ancient system of meditation and spiritual understanding. It enables us to return to a state of inner peace, personal power and self-worth through re-kindling the soul’s original qualities and virtues. It provides many answers to age-old questions relating to our identity and purpose and opens up a pathway to true peace of mind and a natural state of happiness. Raja Yoga gives you a clear spiritual understanding of yourself, helps you re-discover and use the positive qualities already latent within you. It helps you to create new attitudes and develop new responses. Like any skill, this requires practice. By doing a little meditation every day, it soon becomes a natural and easy habit, which generously rewards you for the effort it involves. Raja Yoga meditation is an open-eyed technique that can be used by anyone, anywhere. Whether you want to learn how to relax, need to be more concentrated and creative or are searching for personal enlightenment, Raja Yoga Meditation can satisfy each of those needs. rajyoga rajyog course rajyog course bk 7day rajyog course 7days rajyog course rajyog7day course 7 day course,the rajyoga course day 6: rebirths 7day course bk bk 7day course bk course day 7 bk 7days course brahmakumari course brahma kumaris 7 day course brahma kumari online course brahma kumari seven day course brahmakumaris seven day course the rajyoga course day 7 rajyoga 7 days course bk rajyog course rajyoga course in english rajyoga meditation #bk #rajyoga #spirituality #religion #meditation #motivation #astrology #bhakti #bhagavadgita #bhagwan #god rajyog what is rajyog rajyog astrology rajyoga golden rajyog dob se jane rajyog rajyog in numerology rajyog in kundli,secrets of rajyog क्या होता है rajyog? rajyog secrets rajyog in kundali what is rajyog in numerology #bk rajyog rajyog kaise banta hai rajyog course rajyog kya hota hai bataiye sabse bada rajyog rajyog meditation sabse mahan rajyog rajyog in astrology discover rajyog secrets on your dob bk rajyog rajyogi rajyoga meditation meditation rajyoga meditation rajyoga bk meditation meditation songs amritvela meditation brahmakumaris meditation meditation commentary evening meditation guided meditation learn meditation #bk meditation rajyog rajyoga meditation tamil rajyoga guided meditation what is rajyoga meditation 7 min paramdham rajyog meditation brahma kumaris rajyog meditation om meditation rajyoga meditation commentary live meditation technique of rajyoga meditation