How to make Sourdough Starter in 7 days
7 days is required to make this starter recipe. You will need: 1. Bottled water (90 F) 2. Whole wheat flour 3. Unbleached bread flour or all purpose flour Feeding Schedule: Be sure to feed your starter at the same time each day. Day 1 - combine 150g whole wheat flour and 150g warm water. Use your hands to mix until no dry flour remains. Place mixture in a large mason jar and cover it loosely with fabric and rubber band. Store on the counter where it’s warm. Day 2 - at the same time as previous day, stir your starter then discard half of the starter. Add 75g whole wheat flour and 75g warm water. Stir until no dry flour remains. Cover loosely with fabric and rubber band. Store on the counter where it’s warm. Day 3 - Repeat Day 4 - Repeat Day 5 - start feeding your starter every 12 hours at the same time each day. Use unbleached bread flour instead of whole wheat flour. Morning: remove half the starter (either discard or use it to make discard recipes). Add 75g unbleached bread flour and 75g warm water. Stir until no dry flour remains. Cover loosely with fabric and rubber band. Store on the counter where it’s warm. 12 hours later repeat morning step. Mark down your time. Day 6 - Repeat step 5. Feed your starter morning and evening (at the same time as previous day). Day 7 - If starter is doubled in size you can start feeding your starter once a day. You can now start making bread on day 7. If your starter is not doubled keep feeding it twice a day until it does. Remove half the starter (either discard or use it to make discard recipes). Add 75g unbleached bread flour and 75g warm water. Stir until no dry flour remains. Cover loosely with fabric and rubber band. Store on the counter where it’s warm. You can transfer your starter to another mason jar if you like. Do not wash your mason jar daily because the yeast in the jar keeps the starter alive. Store the starter in the fridge if you don’t plan to use it right away. This is a new starter so you must keep the yeast strong by discarding half and feeding it daily. Sourdough takes preplanning. Enjoy! #sourdough #sourdoughbread #starter #bread #healthy #healthylifestyle #focaccia