Metal Slug 3 OST - First Contact (UFO Interior Passage 2) (Renewed)
Por que renovado? -Esta es una version "Renovada" ya que utilicé la música del album "METAL SLUG 25TH ANNIVERSARY" y lo pasé por el programa "SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab 4" para que el sonido sea lo mas fiel y "Alta Definición" posible. Why renewed? -This is a "Renewed" version since I used the music from the album "METAL SLUG 25TH ANNIVERSARY" and ran it through the "SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab 4" program so that the sound is as faithful and "High Definition" as possible. (Ningún video subido a este canal esta monetizado) - (No video uploaded to this channel is monetized) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAIR USE, COPYRIGHT NOTICE Title 17, US Code (Sections 107 to 118 of the copyright law) All media in this video is used for review and comment purposes under fair use terms. Everything about used movies, music and images are the property of their respective companies.